Apr 29, 2013


  1. I believe I should try to understand more
  2. I believe science is a way of understanding
  3. I believe nothing is perfect and everything can be improved
  4. I believe I can change my life if I want to
  5. I believe in causes and consequences
  6. I believe in love

  1. I do not believe in personal god
  2. I do not believe in heaven or hell
  3. I do not believe in angels and deamons
  4. I do not believe in soul
  5. I do not believe in afterlife
  6. I do not believe in miracles
  7. I do not believe in destiny
  8. I do not believe in wishful thinking
  9. I do not believe that is something should happen then it will happen
  10. I do not believe that is something happens then it should happen


What is faith? This your own vision of world created in your mind. People always use own faith to make decisions. Even if you think you are non-believer you still believe in many things. For example you believe in non-believing. And every day you make lots of decisions which you think are right. You believe it!

And faith is really important because there is lots of things you don't know. Some of them you can get to know and some you can't. You will never know everything but you still have to make decisions in your life. And you want to think that you make good decisions.

And faith is a main component of religion. What you believe makes you a member of some religion.
Some religions are based on a personal god or gods. Some are not.
Church of science is based on reason and thinking. If you want to lead your life using your brain and own opinions then you can be member of this Church.

What is Church of Science for? It is to help people life their lifes as well as they can. This is purpose of most religions. Even if they are false. And Church of Science is based on truth. Not devine truth send from above. But from intensive thinking of many people who are not satisfied with simple answers. People who want to understand how world functions and how to live life properly. People who think you can make things better. Do you want to join?

Apr 27, 2013

10 Commandments

  1. Do not believe in anything than cannot be proved!
  2. Use your knowledge to improve world!
  3. Deny ignorance and falsehood!
  4. Respect and love your family!
  5. Minimize suffering of all living beings, especially humans!
  6. Take responsibility of your actions and your mistakes!
  7. Treat other people just like you want to be treated!
  8. Always look for truth!
  9. Maximize your efforts and minimize your expectations!
  10. You have just one life. Care for it and use it well!